Reducing cloud complexity requires a strategy that improves visibility, writes CloudCheckr CTO Anu Subramanian in CIO Review. As more organizations moving to public cloud, she says, they need a cloud strategy with visibility at its core.

anu subramanian
CloudCheckr CTO Anu Subramanian

Subramanian writes:

“Security concerns, compliance and a lack of application support are the top barriers to a rapid cloud migration. But organizations that are already in the cloud face myriad obstacles, too. For examples, 93% of IT and business professionals encounter challenges with budgeting cloud costs. Data transfer, shadow IT and inaccurate forecasts can result in unexpected cloud costs, which crop up for 94% of organizations.
Visibility also remains a core issue in managing cloud infrastructure. Cloud visibility allows you to identify security gaps and provides a comprehensive view of resource utilization, yet many organizations lack full visibility. This oversight can lead to unnecessary cloud spend, significant security issues and even application performance issues.”

Read the full article on CIO Review to learn more of Subramanian’s cloud visibility best practices and start 2022 off with a solid cloud visibility strategy.