Blog   |   Automation   |   September 2, 2020

CloudCheckr Best Practice Checks Help DevOps Maintain Momentum

Daily, Actionable Insights Keep DevOps Moving Forward

DevOps and cloud optimization—it’s also about the presentation.

rob mossi cloudcheckr

This is a guest contribution by Rob Mossi, Sr. Director of Product Marketing at CloudCheckr. Rob is a go to market specialist with 15 plus years in the technology data governance and data management sectors and has helped numerous sales and channel organizations transition to value based storytelling.

I recently published a CloudCheckr article that touched on how DevOps relies on measurement, analysis and benchmarking to constantly improve their near term and long term delivery of services—it’s all about delivery!   
Cloud DevOps best practices usually lead to investment in improved application architectures and development workflows. In that sense, DevOps becomes the fuel that helps product teams move toward their common goal of delivering products and service to their customers.  
But what’s behind the scenes? How do they “get there?”  
Ever go to a restaurant and get handed a multi-page menu? Sometimes you don’t know where to begin? By the way, there is a second menu dedicated to specialty cocktails and yet a third called the wine list (my personal favorite). Truth be told, I’m a bit of a foodie, yet I also like things simplified. For me, a simple menu often makes the overall experience better (or maybe it’s the wine). 
What does presentation and simplification have to do with DevOps? One of the key foundations of DevOps’ best practices is automation and analysis. However, cloud DevOps teams may not receive the information needed in time to make in-the-moment decisions because IaaS native tools and reports are often monthly. By then, the money is spent (so to speak).  
CloudCheckr enables constant analysis for DevOps teams to monitor processes, manage infrastructure, and ultimately mitigate risk. Daily reporting gives DevOps teams much-needed information at consolidated billing, account and resource level. CloudChekr presents spend, security, and compliance statistics in a way that DevOps can make necessary adjustments on a daily basis if needed. Teams aligned to resolve these problems do get quickly engaged.  Why guess month to month when you can trend data daily, weekly and monthly (as needed) sharing key insights and measuring change and maintaining momentum?  

Simple Presentation Maintains DevOps Momentum

CloudCheckr enables DevOps teams to automate cost monitoring, resource management, security and governance across DevOps. Automated scripts help remove the guesswork of DevOps  off the table. Why wait for your monthly IaaS report when you can leverage daily, easy to read utilization reports and alerts that show daily, weekly and monthly changes in spend, infrastructure, security, and compliance. All without having to log into native cloud management consoles.  

“It made it much easier to pinpoint and track certain areas of the environment in a centrally managed area. From there, you can make other modifications to shave ten thousand dollars upfront off your operations costs.”

– Rick Garee, DevOps Manager, Devada


CloudCheckr daily summary / consolidated bill
Figure 1: CloudCheckr daily summary / consolidated bill


CloudCheckr Account EC2 Cost Summary for 'Daily'
CloudCheckr Account EC2 Cost Summary for ‘Daily’

Simplification continues as CloudCheckr automatically applies more than 600 Best Practice Checks to help DevOps teams get a better understanding of their infrastructure both at present and in the future. Keep shadow projects at bay and maintain consistent governance and visibility across teams. Trending analysis is made easy and action can be taken within seconds of notification. The image below is an example of using 315 Best Practice Checks used by CloudCheckr in managing their business critical QA account. 

CloudCheckr 315 best practice recommendations found for an account
CloudCheckr 315 best practice recommendations found for an account

Rather than waiting for your next cloud/IaaS statement, or creating API calls, take the simpler route. Let CloudCheckr present the data for you. Identify trends and make informed DevOps decisions.

Follow DevOps Best Practices in the Cloud

See for yourself how Devada takes advantage of CloudCheckr for streamlining DevOps delivery. Want to see what CloudCheckr’s best practice checks can do for you? Get a free Cloud Check Up!